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We offer a variety of workshops best suited for groups smaller than 100 members. However, accommodations can always be made to make workshop material effective for larger groups. 

All of our workshops are highly interactive and engaging! 



Introduction to Emotional Intelligence

What is EQ & Why It Is Important

What's Your Communication Style?

Understanding How You & Others Communicate

Personal Branding in the Workplace

Controlling Your Own Narative

Introduces the five components of Emotional Intelligence with a focus on Self Awareness and Managing Emotions.  Helps employees & leaders recognize, manage, and leverage emotions to drive themselves and team members to higher performance.

Participants discover their dominant communication style.  They learn how each of the four styles presents and is perceived.  Activities and discussions provide practical skills to Improve organizational communication and effectiveness.

Teaches the 7 components of a personal brand. Participants identify their own unique brand, identify strengths and opportunities, and develop specific action plans to gain personal and professional market share.

Negotiation Skills

Collaborate For Mutual Benefit

Presentation Skills

Presenting With Impact

Finding Your Purpose

How to Live & Work On Purpose

Participants gain awareness of their own negotiation style, improve their negotiation planning, and increase problem solving, all while preparing for an actual upcoming negotiation. 

Focuses on the mindsets, skillsets, and toolsets required to plan, design, and deliver highly impactful presentations. 

This inspirational workshop goes a step beyond professional development into personal exploration — helping employees apply a 4-part method to discovering their purpose and finding deeper meaning in their work.




Leading Your Parents ©

Mastering Multigenerational Leadership

Intro to the 3 Abilities™

3 Abilities: Adaptability, Relatability, Accountability ™

Unlocking the Power of Generational Diveristy

Team Building for Multigenerational Teams

Highlights soft skills most important for leading a multigenerational team, covering unwritten rules rooted in those skills. Details effectively managing up and across.

Emerging leaders are introduced to what it means to thoughtfully adapt, impactfully relate to others and effectively practice accountability in the workplace. Click here to view full 3 Abilities™ Solution

Multigenerational teams acknowledge their differences, discover their similarities, and collectively navigate themselves to leverage both for increased team performance 



Glow Up Your Resume

How to Effectively Market Your Skills

Interviewing Skills

From Zero to Hero

Purpose-Focused Career Development Plan™

Career Planning on Purpose

Teaches a simple 7-step process to build a properly formatted resume that effectively markets your expertise, competencies and value.  Participants leave the workshop with a draft of their "glowed up" resume.

Participants learn to properly prepare for and nail interviews of all kinds — situational, group, video, virtual, etc.—by articulating their value, experience and competitive advantage, handling questions, as well as asking the right questions at the right time. 

Participants build a 7-step career development plan rooted in purpose and true life meaning.

Navigating LinkedIn

Managing Your Online Brand

Networking & Working the Net

How to Build and Cultivate Strategic Relationships


Intro to Wine, Cigars & Whiskey

Teaches participants how to properly use LinkedIn to build credibility as a professional, turn connections into valuable conversations, network with potential clients, and stay relevant in the job market.

Provides a framework to effectively identify. Initiate and develop strategic & meaningful workplace relationships in-person or virtually

Participants are introduced to 3 items over which business is often conducted—wine, whisky, and cigars.  Participants gain a working knowledge to engage in intelligent conversation and confident interaction with these items in social environments.

Schedule Today

Contact us now to schedule delivery of any of the above solutions for your team of emerging leaders! 

Wine 101

Intro to Wine & Wine Ettiquette

Teaches participants how to property select, order, pronounce, open, and serve wine in formal and informal settings. Also covers how wine is made and its history.

Develop Yourself
Develop Your Team
Develop Your Career



The 3 Abilities: Adaptability, Relatability Accountability™ is our premier leadership development solution for emerging leaders of varying industries. We can deliver the entire solution as a multi-day course, or specific components in smaller increments depending on your needs and availability.




Planning your business, career, and time is important. But the ability to quickly adjust that plan when problems and/or changes arise is a critical skill for the leaders of tomorrow. 


Leaders have a responsibility to create inclusive environments for team members of all backgrounds to thrive in. Communicating across and leveraging differences effectively Is key to high-value relationships. 


One of the most important but challenging things for young leaders to grasp is accountability, from all angles. Without it, results go unmaximized and teams go underdeveloped.


Choosing Your Response

Solidifies the participant’s responsibility in outcomes through personal choice.  Empowers learners by developing skills that acknowledge, address, and manage the relationship between external stimulus and their chosen response.

Building a Business Case

Making Translatable Value Propositions

Prepares participants to identify, organize, and present their needs and ideas in terms of specific outcomes.  Appropriate for sales, HR, leadership, project managers, and any other integrated business function.

Personal Accountability

Holding Yourself Accountable

Participants learn the art and principles of being responsible for themselves, their actions, and their outcomes. Learners will increase personal effectiveness and establish a foundation for interpersonal success.


Choosing Your Priorities

Building Relationships

Cultivating Meaning Workplace Relationships

External Accountability

Holding Others Accountable

Provides learners with the mindsets and skillsets required to thrive in a fast-paced environment of shifting priorities.  Reduces stress, increases effectiveness, and strengthens teamwork

Engages participants in the intentional practice of establishing and maintaining high-quality, high-trust, mutually beneficial relationships both inside and outside of the organization. 

Builds the skillsets needed to practice accountability processes with peers, customers, vendors, and cross-functional team members. Setting expectations, follow-up, respect, and intent are foundational behaviors.

Prioritizing for Career Growth

Helps participants focus on developing skills to intentionally and tactfully move their careers forward. 

Time Management

Managing Your Time

Building Bridges

Connecting Across Difference

Engages learners in the skills required to bridge diversity gaps of all kinds. Moving beyond simple acceptance, participants learn to seek out and value differences to drive innovation and breakthrough results. 

Upward Accountability

Holding Leaders Accountable

Teaches employees to manage up judiciously and within cultural norms

Helps learners prepare for personal and professional goals in both the short and long-term. Participants learn to increase productivity by managing their time, commitments, and energy. 

To learn more and/or schedule delivery of the 3 Abilities™ solution today

3 Abilities

© 2017 by Raven Solomon Enterprises, LLC. 

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